Let's Make a Plan


We’re all facing a lot of uncertainty. Balances are rapidly changing. It’s times like these that show us that we all share these questions in common, share an opportunity to choose: What am I going to focus on? How am I going to respond to change?

These questions can guide us; and using these questions we can guide ourselves.

If you would like to collaborate in regard to how you will respond to conditions as they are (and as they are likely to change) I am making all of my appointment spaces available for free.

I am committed to maintaining positive focus, and creating strategies that will help all of us emerge from this period of intense change and uncertainty with our health, relationships, businesses, and finances intact and thriving.

P.S. The cycles of beginning and ending are ever-present. It is reasonable to expect that this time will usher the end of some kind of era, and some level of grief is sure to result. However, we all stand on the brink of many beginnings. I commend everyone’s integrity as they maintain their balance, however laboriously or easily. It is my honor to work with you on behalf of the life-process of balancing, maintaining, growing. Whether we work together or not, I’m wishing you the best.


Fundamentals: Control, Influence, Release


You Are a Team.